China, Thailand, and Brazil join the United states of america in most pigs slaughtered, bringing the collective total to hundreds of millions each year.

Despite the fact that pigs are sensitive, intelligent, and cognitively circuitous animals, they are abused and slaughtered in horrific ways every day because people "just can't live without bacon."

Smithfield Foods raises and slaughters millions of innocent beings every year considering turn a profit trumps mercy in the business of factory farming.

Efficiency and speed inside the production line are more important than the health and well-being of the animals bred specifically for human consumption. Faster production times often pb to unnecessary animate being corruption, unsuccessful stunning before slaughter, and even safety risks for employees.

What is Smithfield Foods?

Smithfield Foods is a pig producer based out of Smithfield, Virginia, where millions of pigs are slaughtered every yr.

Smithfield prides itself on raising "responsible, sustainable" pork products, simply has been the focus of controversy since an undercover investigation by The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) unveiled immense cruelty inside its facilities in 2010.

Pigs were beaten, confined, and stressed, unlike what their promotional advertizement displayed just two months after the investigation.

Smithfield Foods History

The Smithfield Packaging Company was started in the 1930s by Joseph Westward. Luter and his son Joseph West. Luter Jr.

According to Joseph W. Luter 3, his begetter and grandad would buy 15 pig carcasses per day at the beginning of their endeavour. They'd sell the chopped upward pieces to modest businesses in Norfolk and gradually grew from there. In 1946, they opened up a processing plant on Highway 10 where they were slaughtering 3,500 hogs per mean solar day. Ten years later, their company had grown to 650 employees.

While they did face up financial problems early on, Smithfield Foods has been a major thespian in the meat industry for decades.

When Joseph Due west. Luter Jr. passed away in 1962, his son, Luter Three, stepped in to run the functioning. He remained every bit CEO until 2006. In 2008, Luter IV joined equally an executive vice president and stayed until 2013 when Smithfield Foods was bought by the WH Group of China, formerly known as the Shuanghui Group.

Who Owns Smithfield Foods?

In 2013, the WH Group of China, the world's largest pork producer, bought Smithfield Foods.

Equally millions of Chinese people started entering the middle class with the economic boom over the by decade, the need for meat skyrocketed.

In the chart below, you can run into the substantial growth per capita when it comes to meat consumption in Cathay.

Pork Consumption Graph

Pork is the most popular meat in Prc, and so it wasn't a big surprise when Shuanghui International bought Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion in cash.

Shuangui, now the WH Group, was the largest pork producer in Prc before buying Smithfield Foods. Now, the WH Group is the largest pork producer in the world with a reported revenue of $22.38 billion in 2017 .

Smithfield Foods Locations

Smithfield Foods has offices, plants, and distribution centers around the globe . Though heavily based in North America, at that place are pig producers and processing plants in S America and Europe as well.

Pork processing plants are divided by the products they provide, so one plant might specialize in pork rinds, while some other produces pizza toppings like pepperoni or sausage.

What Companies Does Smithfield Foods Own?

The original Smithfield Foods is based in Smithfield, VA, simply Smithfield now owns brands including Smithfield®, Nathan'south Famous®, Farmland®, Farmer John®, John Morrell®, Melt'southward®, Curly'southward®, Healthy Ones®, and Krakus®.

They are also owners of Eckrich®, Armour®, Kretschmar®, Gwaltney®, Carando®, Margherita®, Morliny®, and Berlinki®.

Who is the Largest Pork Producer in the United states of america?

Smithfield Foods is the reigning "champ" in regard to raising and slaughtering the most pigs in the United States.

Now owned by the WH Group, the largest pork producer in the earth, Smithfield has the funding and resources to crank out even more than pig products in the United States and in other countries.

What is the Largest Pork Producing State?

Since Smithfield slaughters around one million pigs per year, you would imagine Virginia to exist a pinnacle-performing land in pork production.

Surprisingly, Virginia doesn't even make the height 10 listing . Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and North Carolina are the summit producers of pork products, raking in BILLIONS of dollars each year.

Pig Farming Map

Virginia is actually number 20 on
the list of state rankings for pig inventory. As mentioned, North Carolina did appear high on the list, and that is partially because of Smithfield's Tar Heel, NC plant, which has been crowned the largest pork packing plant in the world.

How Many Pigs Does Smithfield Slaughter Per Mean solar day?

Smithfield Foods raised and slaughtered 15.6 1000000 pigs in 2016.

The Tar Heel, North Carolina packaging plant has the capacity to slaughter 36,000 pigs per day. Smithfield's Gwaltney plant in Smithfield, Virginia can process over 10,000 pigs per day.

The Smithfield-endemic John Morrell® plant in Sioux Falls, South Dakota can slaughter effectually 20,000 pigs on whatever given day.

How Long Does a Hog Live Earlier Slaughter?

The gestation period of a pig is almost iv months long, and gilts, immature female pigs, are bred at 170 to 220 days quondam.

Once they evangelize their showtime litter of piglets, gilts are considered sows. For three weeks, sows are often kept in crates for the farrowing process. This is when piglets are nursed while their mother is kept backside bars and is unable to move properly.

Smithfield made a public announcement in 2007 to phase out the use of gestation crates for sows, which induce stress, physical pain, and mental anguish.

Though Smithfield has fabricated an endeavour to phase out gestation crates, animals are notwithstanding kept in undesirable quarters.

Once piglets are weaned off their mothers, they are kept in a separate barn for 6 to 8 weeks where they are fed a nutrition meant to fatten them up quickly.

In the "finishing" phase, pigs are crammed into metallic trucks and transported long distances to the processing plant where they will be slaughtered.

These metal trucks tin can get to sweltering temperatures inside, and since pigs lack sweat glands and are denied access to h2o, it is an extremely unpleasant ride.

When traveling hundreds of miles with a truckload of live animals, accidents tend to happen. Below are some statistics from Smithfield's transportation operations from 2013 to 2017. This does not account for any outside-sourced transportation loads.

Smithfield Accident Statistics

In recent years, the number of fatalities has grown. Trucks often overturn, spilling alive pigs onto highways where they run the risk of injury and expiry.

Once the pigs arrive to the processing plant, they are fed copious amounts of corn until they are effectually 280 lb, which is considered "market weight."  Pigs are slaughtered at merely vi months erstwhile  when the standard lifespan of a commercial pig is effectually twenty years.

Are Pigs Slaughtered Humanely?

According to the Food Condom and Inspection Services branch of the Department of Agronomics, there are multiple options to cull from when slaughtering animals.

Slaughterhouses may use carbon dioxide gas to suffocate pigs. They tin can as well apply a convict bolt or an electrical current that stuns them.  Another pick is a gunshot to the head.

Though these might seem like "humane" methods, frustration from treatment a squealing, frantic beast coupled with quick slaughter expectations makes the slaughtering process a prime number candidate for abuse.

Ofttimes times animals volition alive through the carbon dioxide poisoning or the electrical currents and exist fully aware of the pharynx-slitting and/or boiling process that follows.

Worker Stunning Pig

In 2018, the USDA proposed a plan, the " Modernization of Swine Slaughter Inspection ," that would increase slaughter speeds and decrease the amount of federal inspectors required within.

This ruling would give more than ability to the slaughterhouse workers with less supervision, meaning more than opportunities for abuse, neglect, and ineffective slaughtering techniques. Not to mention a college gamble of injury for employees.

To the USDA, farm owners, and other agronomical leaders, pigs are but a product. They are not considered living, breathing, intelligent individuals.

When Hurricane Florence hitting in 2018, farmers left their pigs and chickens backside. Since there are hundreds, fifty-fifty thousands packed into sheds at a time, it would be virtually incommunicable to release them all from these confines in time.

An estimated iii.4 million chickens and around v,500 hogs were found dead on industrialized farms in North Carolina, many of which are contracted with Smithfield Foods.

Millions of animals drowned because they are but considered as property. Their deaths were just the cost of doing business concern.

Cruelty-Complimentary Investigations

Surreptitious investigators witness horrific, life-irresolute, stomach-wrenching operations in order to bring footage of cruelty to the public's middle. They endure concrete, psychological, and emotional pain so that animals may one day not have to.

Glenn Greenwald Investigation

When animals are sick or injured inside factory farms, they are normally overlooked, thrown away, or killed. A sick piglet, for example, is of no use to the farm since it is no longer deemed assisting.

In 2017, yet, creature rights activists associated with the organization Direct Action Everywhere were hunted downwards by FBI agents regarding two missing piglets , Lucy and Ethel.

The piglets were surrounded by rotting carcasses and suffering profoundly within Circle 4 Farm, owned by Smithfield Foods. "One was swollen and barely able to stand; the other had been trampled and was covered in blood," said Wayne Hsiung of DxE .

Rescuers Carrying Piglets
Straight Action Everywhere

When activists removed the piglets from their stressful, unsanitary environments and brought them to a rehabilitation facility, all hell bankrupt loose. FBI agents barged into ii farm animal rehabilitation centers, Ching Farm Rescue in Riverton, Utah, and Luvin Arms in Erie, Colorado.

The agents demanded DNA samples from whatsoever pigs that resembled Lucy and Ethel. A member of Luvin Arms recalls, "To obtain the Deoxyribonucleic acid samples, the land veterinarians accompanying the FBI used a snare to pressurize the piglet'due south snout, thus immobilizing her in pain and fear, and so cut off shut to ii inches of the piglet'southward ear. The piglet'due south pain was so severe, and her screams so piercing, that the sanctuary'due south staff members screamed and cried. Fifty-fifty the FBI agents were so sufficiently disturbed by the resulting trauma, that they directed the veterinarians not to bailiwick the second piglet to the procedure."

An innocent piglet that had nothing to do with Smithfield Foods was forced to give up a piece of themselves just to evidence they were not a match.

Some volunteers were fifty-fifty followed abode past FBI agents and questioned almost the missing piglets. It is also believed that FBI agents monitored the activists' communications, as the names "Lucy and Ethel" were used internally as code-names, nevertheless the public names of these piglets were "Lizzie and Lily."

Every bit mentioned, the loss of two sick piglets within whatever manufactory farm is merely just a mess to clean upwardly. In this case, though, this rescue was the beginning of an unveiling process. Manufactory farms endeavor to go on their manufacture secrets hidden for a reason.

Farmers know that people volition not buy their products if they see how they were produced.

A New York Times commodity highlighted photos from the rescue mission, which initiated the search warrant of the rehabilitation centers the following month. Every bit more than people are gaining access to the subconscious horrors within the meat industries, demand falls and activism rises.

The Humane Lodge of the United States

An secret investigator from HSUS captured shocking footage inside a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods in 2010.

Just a few months after this horrific cruelty was captured, Smithfield released a promotional video highlighting how responsible, compassionate, and efficient they were. Their video was titled, "Taking the Mystery Out of Pork Production at Smithfield Foods."

The biggest mystery here is how they magically remedied all of their animal welfare violations, inhumane procedures, and overall cruelty.

Environmental and Public Condom Concerns

Smithfield Foods prides themselves on providing "good food, responsibly." Unfortunately, they practice not e'er alive up to this loaded hope.

Afterwards Hurricane Florence swept through the Due north Carolina processing constitute, the open lagoons of waste matter flowed with the h2o brought on by the hurricane.

Large pools of blood, fecal matter, and bacteria, forth with all the corpses of pigs who had drowned, flowed throughout the state causing widespread environmental and public health concerns.

This incident made surrounding waterways toxic. Smithfield Foods promised to cover the lagoons once the h2o cleared, simply this "solution" does not go to the root of the problem: the excess amounts of pig waste material in the first place.

Fifty-fifty without a devastating hurricane, industrialized farming is responsible for heavy resources depletion (water, food, free energy), carbon dioxide emissions, loss of biodiversity, and extreme pollution.

In an "isolated incident" that occurred in 2018, a disgruntled employee was found urinating on over 50,000 pounds of pork at Smithfield Foods.

A previous livestock worker at the Tar Heels institute, Keith Ludlum, described the hazardous working conditions ; "[direction] only tells you to keep running the hogs. They want to keep their product upward. There are tripping hazards and things that they could correct. They choose not to considering they'd take to spend coin, and it would also irksome down their production."

A Human Rights Watch report details just how poorly employees are treated inside Smithfield operations.


Pork is considered i of the earth's favorite meat sources, and high demand has resulted in the creation of big factory farms that heighten, slaughter, and process millions of pigs each year.

Smithfield Foods is America'due south largest pig producer, owning the largest pig production institute in the world. The company's new owner, the WH Group, is now the largest pork processor on the planet.

Smithfield proudly proclaims, "Our business concern depends on the humane treatment of animals, stewardship of the environment, producing safe and high-quality nutrient, the vitality of local communities, and creating a fair, upstanding, and rewarding work environment for our people."

Undercover footage, natural disasters, and disgruntled employees have proved that all of these claims are false.

Smithfield, and the rest of the animal processing plants like it, has a long way to get in regard to environmental responsibleness, employee and consumer safety, and brute welfare.

Correction: A previous version of this explainer incorrectly identified the urban center of Tar Heel as located in South Carolina. Tar Heel is in North Carolina.